but i hope in a more serious way a message in that story gets out, i hated exercise the whole life. was the gal the gym made money off. i bought the membership and i never went. i'll be 47 later this month. about three years i started spinning and i love it. if you are the person who thinks i'm never going to get hooked on exercise. just keep trying. you you'll end up like me 46 and hooked on spinning. >> let me just say also if you get to city hall -- i would underscore that "if." i know a lot of people are hoping you do get to city hall. you may want to blast the music really loudly. if you are screaming at people or you yourself are skreechling, no one will hear. >> another benefit of music. >> new york city council speaker christine quinn. >> thank you very much. thank you. it is summer, it is friday, for many americans that means it is time to gather around ye old grill. we will examine the country's love affair with hot, hot beat when bon appetit's adam

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