expulsion and ending a child's experience in high school. that's not the kind of american educational system any of us want. >> are in people doing it right? i think to myself, if i were a teacher, someone working in the school, safety's important and adolescent, you know, i remember being a teenager and i was not a real brawler, but i would get into it with people, right? are there people that are doing it right? >> yes, absolutely. i'm an executive director of the brotherhood sister soul, we've been working with young people for 18 years. expulsion is the last result. we've put out about five people in 18 years. i say to our staff, that's why we do this work, that's what we're here for. so, the research is very clear on this issue, whether it's the legal defense fund, american psychologist association, this level of expelling young people does not result in better behavior. what results in better behavior are child-centered approaches. quickly, teachers learning to manage classrooms better, removing police from the schools, ensuring there are