you you say republicans are going to need to find something new. i think the new middle ground is going to be for republicans to say we're going to put aside gay marriage as a legality for churches, we're against it. but we're not going to take a position for the state. so that they're not going to impose it federally. but say it's a religious issue, that's going to be the new ground. >> mike allen, thank you so much, thanks, chris cillizza. a bipartisan group of former lawmakers and political leaders is working on its own recommendations for immigration reform. trying to push the debate forward on capitol hill. joining me two co-chairs of this bipartisan policy centers, former pennsylvania governor and nbc news political analyst, ed rendell and former republican governor, mississippi governor hailey barbour. haley, what do you say about gay marriage, what john lewis has described as the civil rights issue of our generation. >> well my state -- my state had