president romney, would operate this program and sought to write secret rules, nothing public, which you say in your lawsuit is required under the law, but secret rules to govern it. what is the meaning of those secret rules and would they automatically govern a future administration? >> first, i think they're right to be worry bed how a future administration has used these powers. they have carved out these very broad powers, essentially the authority to kill anyone who is deemed by the executive branch, deemed by the president to be a threat to national security can be killed without due process, can be killed without charges, without disclosure of the evidence, and in fact can be killed without even an acknowledgement by the government that the person has been killed by the cia or by the joint special operations command. so that's a very broad power and i think they're right to be worried about how the next administration or the administration after that will use it. but i think independent of the question of what the standards are, there's this other issue whichlluded to of how much