anywhere. >> i'm sorry, go ahead. >> i would just point out there was real skepticism about whether boehner could deliver a deal with the debt ceiling fight. and his party did buck his leadership to some extent, but ultimately they came around. >> and looking ahead to 2016, and perry, you mentioned the gap in support with hispanics. and we saw the same thing with african-americans and with asian americans. so what do you think the republicans need to do to better position themselves for next election? >> i think immigration reform is an issue there they're already working on. you saw boehner is already making different remarks about it. mostly you're going to see a difference in tone. did you notice this week mitt romney makes this comment that was obviously not the right thing to say, and basically a representation of the remark he made earlier. and you saw bobby jindal jumped on him. but not just that, but so did pretty much every republican in washington and elsewhere jumped on him. you're going to see a difference in tone from the republicans. and i don't know if that will work or not, but you're definitely going to see it. and you're already seeing the early signs of it. >> so then, peter, what is the first step in rebuilding the party? >> i think the first step in