event. we have 24 to 36 hours easily in the region. then the power outages. let's come back to me. as we come back, i want to talk about something we have been mentioning all day. it's the flooding. we have worked together. i'm kind of a tall guy. we had irene come through here, it was ankle height. with this one, we expect the storm surge to be higher. the water comes to long island. the coastline is going to rise up. harbors like this one. we expect with the full moon and the rising tide that the water could get up to four feet in some places. that's up here on me. remember, i'm a tall geek. something else to consider, this is what you started with, thomas. the strong winds. tropical storm force winds by monday night and spilling into tuesday. some winds in excess of 70 miles per hour. we might see gustins up to 80