the president. basically outlining in no uncertain terms sort of what the grand bargain looks like. how much of that is a kapow to the people who were hoping the president wouldn't lay his cards out so early in the game. >> it all depends on who wins the election. more so a lot of people are freaking out about this statement. i don't take it as very significant from talking to people from around capitol hill. we know if the president wins he can walk this back if he wants to. he has four years to do as he may. what's interesting here and is being lost is that this whole issue really comes down to a game of chicken about the bush tax cuts for those making $250,000 and above. where there could be worries if the president has gone this far out saying the sequester won't happen the worry on the left he would be boxed on the right by not allowing the tax cuts for the 250 and above to continue. that's the game here. what the best intelligence suggests is that what's going to