abuse. it's working parents who will go hungry. >> debbie, you've been a beneficiary of s.n.a.p. at various moments and have just applied again and worked with folks who have tried to get it. tell me what it has meant with you in terms of getting by and going about trying to raise kids. >> when i used to receive the food stamps, my kids were younger. and to put nutritious food on the table, i needed that supplement and the help. again, my husband is out of work because he hurt himself, not because he doesn't want to work. we need that to help us, again. i have a 13-year-old that's handicapped. she needs nutritious food. i have a grandson who's 16 -- 18 months old and he lives with us with my daughter who's a single mom. and to put nutritious food on the table, we need that supplement. we need that help. >> how much of a difference does it make? how large in your family budget or income is the s.n.a.p. -- >> it makes a huge difference. it gives me the opportunity to