grabbed by that emotion. >> that's a good idea. we were talking about expense earlier. that's not very expensive. >> it say the lo of time, though. you have to roll up your sleeves. >> harry, for somebody who -- you're an expert at this. you know what to do. for somebody who is not an expert, how can they macon aeye popping window. >> in the piece she talked about the basics of visual and whether they're in a big saks fifth avenue or a small specialty stors, doesn't matter, the basics are there. focusing on great placement, lighting and details, something like having a tag hanging cheapens a product. have great positioning at eye level. you don't have to necessarily look up o or down for product. we talked a lot about color and the things we do and the use of space. sometimes it is okay to leave space open to give that problem more feature and intense presence in the space. >> do you think that windows should be used to sell a product or sell an idea?