said could take place in a cat 2 in roughly 40 minutes, so here it may take longer. if it does happen this could be a significant issue several days into next week as well. alex. >> let's show the difference between you and where mike seidel is battling things. this is one big storm, and there's a little bit of rain, correct, peter, where you are? which means outer, outer bands of this huge hurricane irene are already beginning to be felt there in the new york city area. >> reporter: you're right. that is exactly what the concern is. we're going to be in this for a while. rain totals have been estimated as much as a foot in places in and around new york city. i was speaking to a colleague on long island saying they are experiencing those outer rain bands for the first time as well. to give you a sense now, it's not just transit on the ground affected. air travel just two hours from now, they will stop allowing incoming flights, alex, at 9:00 this evening, we have learned they will no longer allow