belief that what happened with that debt ceiling has made it so we're just so dysfunctional that consumers aren't spending. we are literally seeing consumers cut back. lots of corporations are cutting back. just because they feel that things are so awry, so out of control, that they don't want to spend money. >> that's why we turn to you. thank you so very much. don't miss "mad money" with jim cramer weekdays on cnbc. republican candidates are trying to build momentum before saturday's big straw poll in iowa but some of the oxygen is being taken up by a pair of potential candidates, or at least one who is almost in the race, one we don't think is going to get in. rick perry and sarah palin, both crashing the party. chuck todd is nbc news political director and host of "the rundown." chuck, it's just too much drama. rick perry and sarah palin showing up, perry obviously