we want it to be, but it's just not. they were looking at a compound called resveritrol. they were test it on these poor rats who they were hanging upside down to try to mimic weightlessness in space and trying to see if they could change the muscle loss that astronauts experience in space because your body is not used to being in space. it's a compound that's found in red wine, also in grapes and peanuts and helps reduce inflammation in the body. it's an anti-oxidant. while it's good for you, it was very also high doses in these animals, and a glass of red wine periodically is fine, but you don't, you know -- >> don't do that and not go to the gym. >> instead of running, don't have that red wine. >> it is too good to be true. >> it is. >> the book samantha heller's nutrition prescription. thank you. new research shows women with size 5 feet are most attractive to men, as studies skord a formula for a perfect female food foote is a size 5 wearing three inch heels and red