his fantasy budget which funnels more money to rich people, taking away from the elderly and the poor and everybody else who can least afford it, so now when we have obama's response to this, you know it's going to be a center right. there's nothing for progressives, truly progressive people to latch on to. i want to propose what i consider a budget on my show friday night, and it would include cutting the defense budget in half. i mean, it's been almost doubled since 2001. if we just went back to what it was under clinton and also went back to the tax rates under clinton for the rich and for everybody else, we would save $7.5 trillion over the next ten years without taking rját+hád of the mouths of starving children. how about that, captain courageous? >> but he's so handsome and boyish. have you heard about the workout that he does every day in the paul ryan response has been -- i realize it's sort of a sideshow, but it has been really, really

Related Keywords

People ,It ,Money ,President Obama ,Fantasy Budget ,Response ,Poor ,Elderly ,Everybody Else ,Budget ,Friday Night ,Defense Budget ,Center ,Progressives ,Nothing ,Half ,Tax Rates ,Clinton ,RjÃt HÃ D ,Ten ,2001 ,5 Trillion ,17 5 Trillion ,Paul Ryan ,Children ,Sideshow ,Workout ,Mouths ,Boyish ,Captain Courageous ,

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