de-frolicking and killing hungarian jews for pretend is not an an acceptable activity. it's not something we like to see in our members of congress. >> but, iott's right about one with thing, even though that sort of "they don't know the whole story" is sort of misspeaking. i was only taking orders from my overlord in re-creation about he's right about one thing, cantor was just one congressman. republican jewish coalition came out alongside cantor in condemning this, but where's john boehner? where's any other republican congressman. where's joe lieberman? where's anybody of consequence on this? >> i have no idea. you would think that today there would have been a stream of denunciations and you wouldn't have been able to see around here for the dust kicked up by the feet of people running as fast as they can away from this guy. i mean, this is -- you know, you don't just decide to dress up

Related Keywords

Thing ,Something ,Rich Iott ,Congress ,Members ,Activity ,Sort ,They Dont Know The Whole Story ,De Frolicking ,Killing Hungarian Jews ,One ,Congressman ,Borders ,Misspeaking ,Overlord ,Re Creation ,Eric Cantor ,Republican Jewish Coalition ,Republican ,Idea ,Anybody ,Consequence ,Stream ,Denunciations ,John Boehner ,Joe Lieberman ,People ,Guy ,Dust ,Feet ,

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