into a tidy youtube video. >> i thank the allegheny republican committee for endorsing me for the democratic nomination. great pleasure to be endorsed by the allegheny county republicans and together we'll win for a victory. >> also known as the magic single-party theory. in some recent polls, sestak is tied with specter or ahead of him. the primary election for that race is next tuesday by specter's switcheroo is nothing compared to senator john mccain's flip-flop. a reminder -- in a presidential debate senator mccain had this to say about immigration. >> still the land of opportunity and it is a beacon of hope and liberty and as ronald reagan said, a shining city on the hill and we're not going to erect barriers and fences. >> in case you did not catch that last part he said we're not going to erect barriers and fences. with his senatorial primary fight mccain has released this