switch, someone failed in oversight. let me finish up with a final question. >> you may be correct. hold on about the money. tell that for the fishermen out of work. they're looking for a paycheck. >> i am. >> how about the money for the booms? that's expensive. we need more of those. it really is about the money and about being fair to the coastal states. louisiana, texas, mississippi, and alabama, that have been drilling for this oil for years. the nation needs it. we want to share that revenue to protect our coast and protect the environment. you know what, ed? whose fault it is? both the industry and some of the environmentalists have fought us. hope now people will realize -- >> your fellow senator in the democratic caucus, bill nelson says big oil gets what it wants. >> that is not true. and bill nelson -- that is not true. it also is true that there are a lot of independents in this industry and that there are many people who work in this industry who are good people. bill nelson has a lot of good people that work in florida. we have tourism, too -- >> finally, senator, i'm work on kind -- >> our coast is a working coast. >> are you for unlimited caps