change she made was dropping the amount of weight she was lifting from 65 pounds to 50 pounds and maintaining that throughout the pregnancy. she says she worked closely with a trainer. when she showed her doctor pictures of the workout, she was assured it was safe to continue. >> for women at this level of physical fitness before pregnancy, they can listen to their bodies and safely continue to work out at that level throughout their entire pregnancy under the supervision of their health provider. >> reporter: she suffered terrible morning sickness during her first pregnancy but says she felt wonderful during this one and she continued her crossfit routine until four days before she delivered. >> with this one, i didn't feel like i was pregnant. it was so normal. i mean, i did everything i always do. >> reporter: another benefit of her crossfit workout? during her first pregnancy, she gained 30 pounds. average for a one baby pregnancy. but this time, only 16. >> i'd like to say, pregnancy