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$814 billion economic stimulus. a massive health care overhaul. new regulations on wall street trading. and consumer credit cards. then in this month's lame duck session alone, an extension of the bush tax cuts. a nuclear arms treaty. and a repeal of the don't ask, don't tell policy on gays in the military. >> if there's any lesson to draw from these past few weeks it's that we are not doomed to endless gridlock. >> reporter: there was also plenty of controversy. the filibuster threats, chaotic town hall meetings, the emergence of the tea party. and many who will take office in january campaigned on the promise they would try and repeal some of the laws passed during this historic session. still, the president is enjoying a big bump. according to a new cnn poll, 56% of americans approve of the way the president handled the issues that congress considered during its lame duck session. mike and vinita? >> thank you, t.j. prices at the pump may be going through the roof but some drivers in south carolina got a

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Lame Duck Session , Stimulus , Consumer Credit Cards , Health Care Overhaul , Regulations , Extension , Wall Street Trading , Nuclear Arms Treaty , Bush Tax Cuts , 814 Billion , 14 Billion , Reporter , Lesson , Gridlock , Controversy , Dont Tell Policy On Gays , Repeal , Military , The Dont Ask , President , Some , Many , Town Hall Meetings , Session , Office , Emergence , Promise , Laws , Tea Party , Bump , Way , Toysr Us , Vinita , Drivers , 111th Congress , Prices , Mike Marusarz Sitting , Roof , Tj , Pump , Poll , South Carolina , Cnn , 56 ,

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