consumer is going to end up having to pay for those tariffs out of their own pocket book. i think that is probably contributing to this, as well. >> harris: that's already happening. it seems like $14 billion, that's tax money going to subsidize those farmers who desperately need it. >> capri: when walmart gets more expensive, you are paying out of your pocket. >> harris: but it's all our money. it's other people playing with our money. trying to shore up areas where its desperately needed. but the problem is, with what i'm reading today, and the recession fears, we knew some of this was coming because the market had set such resilience. this was the president's vision, to fight intellectual property theft and other things that have gone on with china. that was absolutely necessary, even democrats like senator chuck schumer had agreed with that. none of this is necessarily breaking news. it's just glaring. you see what's going on across the world, with china and hong kong. i do understand the connective tissue. if they cross into that country