that long. because now you have the chinese putting new tariffs on $60 billion of u.s. goods. they say they'll do that by june 1st if there's no deal. president trump says that the dialogue is good. however, it's very unlikely that there would be a deal by june 1st at this point. arthel: no doubt this takes a long time. this has been going on for decades, if not longer than that. but if the current standoff has given the democrats an opening to claim better trade thing tactics -- trading tactics, who among the democratic presidential contenders have a trade policy or platform that could alter the trade standoff with china to make it a better fit for american consumers, businesses and farmers? this. >> let's take a look at the two front-runners. we have joe biden first. he said, as we all know now, that china isn't competition for us, and that's a comment that some have said could really come back and blow back on him down blind. but you also have bernie sanders. now, he does not agree with