something else. >> does it worry you to see the top three being white guys? >> yeah. i aspire for our country to recognize the duty of our diversity. at some point in the future, i hope more people of color not only aspire and win the presidency, because that's what makes america so extraordinary. we are all of that. we are everything. i think a more inclusive america is a stronger america. >> laura: is that, is that, is that it? >> i don't believe in identity politics, and i think in this election, people need to vote bfor who they think is the best candidate.nd don't vote for someone because they are black. don't vote for someone because they are white or a man or a woman. kirsten gillibrand, she's the -- she said she wanted more than 's50% of congress to be made upf women. she really does pander into this sort of identity politics that i don't agree with at all. >> laura: i want to take a trip down memory lane because