i have no confidence. brenda snipes should be removed from office and the secretary of state should take over. ainsley: are folks saying down there. rick scott had an opportunity to remove her after 2,000 and he didn't do it. are people upset with him. >> ainsley, people are on fire down here. genuinely upset. even though there haven't been results of results posted yet. people feel like the election has already been stolen it should are been called a long time ago. i keep saying this. you had one job. one to do counts the votes. this is noter a florida. it's a palm beach and broward county it is grotesque and incompetent. ed: attorney in florida talking about the possibility of counting non-citizens for voting and marc elias, the senior democratic lawyer ended up trying to clean that up, no, no, no. we know the law. the fact that one of the democratic lawyers initially argued that non-citizens can vote when we all know that's