>> melissa: i don't think it would be at or after the midterm. i think we have reach the fever pitch. a lot of this is out of frustration of people feeling disenfranchised on both sides paid on the right, people feel like "if i don't like the outcome of your policies, if i don't like the divide between rich and poor getting bigger, if i don't like slow economic growth, i am automatically races. i'm automatically a bad person." that's a people on the right field. people on the left feel totally disenfranchised. they are having a really hard time finding their place in making any sort of a change. all of that anger and hostility is butting up against each other. i don't know what the solution is, because it has gotten really ugly and tough. toxic. >> harris: i actually don't mind the vitriol driving people to the polls. because not enough people in this country vote. on either side of the political line. but when you mix in potential violence and attacks, and language that is more incendiary than it should be to motivate