brian: rebecca if past is prologue, if president obama decided without negotiation to take the missile defense out of european as a gesture of goodwill, how did vladimir putin interpret that? weakness. if we stop the perez exercises. if we acknowledge crimea. if we do anything that shows acquiescence, i wish it was a different world, but he will view it as weakness. don't you agree? >> what he does is that's exactly right. what putin does doesn't take these concessions okay great, we are going to have a better relationship. he takes that concession, he pockets it and then asks for more. this is why appeasing russia doesn't work. it's a failed policy. on the new start treaty a lot of people are talking about that. president trump has talked about possibly looking for ways to work on nuclear nonproliferation that threaty doesn't expire until 2021. president trump has dissatisfaction. instead of willing to extend that treaty. let's wait and see if you

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Ridiculous Brian ,Vladimir Putin S ,Barack Obama ,Negotiation ,Weakness ,Rebecca If Past Is Prologue ,Goodwill ,Gesture ,Missile Defense ,European ,World ,Relationship ,Crime Crimea ,Anything ,Doesn T ,Exercises ,Concessions ,Lis Don T ,Acquiescence ,Donald Trump ,Lot Mooter Operation ,People ,Ways ,Treaty ,Policy ,More ,Concession ,Appeasing Russia Doesnt Work ,Nonproliferation ,Threaty Doesn T ,Dissatisfaction ,Let ,2021 ,

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