happened it? >> should have happened before that i mean, there is so much more. >> tucker: i'm sorry to cut you off there is a lot more and i hope you will come back. >> we will do it another night. >> tucker: good to see you. today's report shows that bias at the fbi was form widespread. shocking online. look at it yourself. don't believe what the other channels are telling you. they are lying. mark steyn will be here next. ♪ ♪ fix it. (laugh) no. with claim rateguard your rates won't go up just beacuase of a claim. i totally could've... (wife) nope! switching to allstate is worth it. and with twice the detail of other tests... ...it can show dad where he's from ...and strengthen the bonds you share. give dad ancestrydna for just $69- our lowest father's day price ever. for just $69- with recurring constipation and belly pain if you feel like you spend too much time in the bathroom