slapped stiff new tariffs on exports. >> we are like the piggy-bank that everybody is robbing and that ends. chris: we will ask white house trade adviser peter navarro what are the chances to head off trade war and about the president's surprising call to bring moscow back into the g-7. >> i think it would be an asset to have russia back in. i think it'll be good for the world. chris: all right now on fox news sunday. ♪ ♪ chris: and hello again from fox news today in singapore. you are looking at the night skyline of this vibrant island nation of 5 and a half million people that's one to have financial capitals of the world. air force one just landed bringing president trump to a summit that was unthinkable just over 3 months ago. the man he came to meet, north korean leader kim jong un got here a little earlier today. let's get you situated about

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