[laughter] you know, i've heard it so many times, i also heard i was first in my class at the wharton school of finance. sometimes when you hear it, you don't say anything. you let it go. but i heard it. and being first in your class at westpoint, because i know, these a big deal. i said is that true? yeah. is that true? yes. so i started bringing it up. i brought it up four weeks ago. right, david? after that, everybody brings it up. i don't have to say it anymore. he's actually first in his class at westpoint. soon he was deployed to germany where he served a cavalry officer prior to the fall of the berlin wall. after leaving active duty, he graduated harvard law student with great honors. he was elected to congress in 2010 by the people of the fourth district of a great state, kansas. right? [applause]