articles of impeachment against rosenstein over the extremely slow release or just flat out obstruction regarding subpoena documents related to the clinton email investigation and of course the dossier and fisa abuse and the russia investigation. today rosenstein fired back trashing congress, congress has a constitutional duty and b authority of oversight. mr. rosenstein, i would think that you read that in your constitution. take a look. >> they cannot even resist leaking their own draft. [laughter] >> would you care to elaborate on that? >> i saw that draft, and i don't know who wrote it. there been people who have been making threats privately and publicly against me for quite some time. i think that they should understand by now that thehe department of justice is not going to be extorted. we will do what is required by the rule of law. any kind of threats that anybody makes are not going to affect the way that we do our job. >> sean: and congress is going to do their constitutional job

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