your thoughts, matt? >> i know mike flynn. he has served his country with honor. he got the chance to have one of the most significant posts in government and it seems very apparent that he had some lapses in judgment. he should be held accountable. but i'm sure that in this process people will take into account his great service. the one thing that i keep thinking about, sandra, as i'm listening to your coverage, is it's important to remember that general flynn was fired by president obama because he did have a different view on foreign policy and he was pushing hillary clinton and barack obama in the foreign policy team of the obama administration to really confront radical islamic terrorism and he became a nuisance to them and they got rid of him. there is something else i think in bill's tick tok we have to remember. when president obama met with president trump he said not to put mike flynn on his team. there was a personal animosity between barack obama and mike flynn and the next question is the fact that the obama