that? and that would guarantee that i would be on the show. she left her dog in the closet? what is up with that? and then i would always be in every episode because they needed to open the show in the show someone repeating it. second question. i like this one. from susan and maybe it's the same susan, who knows. does a person's happiness level depends mostly on the good or bad things that have happened to that person or on the notes? steven. >> praise the lord, greg. listen, it's tough times and one of the reasons i want to president come to it was he would boost the economy quick and that would put a few more bucks in everyone's pocket and lighten everyone up and chill out and think giving in christmas and yea but it's working slowly. it's working. greg: that you're happy. terry. >> i think again. honestly, i struggle with some of the stuff i have been through and i think we need to remember that we need to be more grateful. i'm still alive and i've got