don't we will have led down the american people. this is what they elected us to do. stu and i know you didn't see all of attorney general sessions' hearing. you were briefed on it. your sense of this investigatio investigation, where it's heading in what we are learning? >> the thing that came out of the hearing today and attorney general sessions said that there haven't been any conversation suggesting there's any evidence anywhere that there was collusion with the russians by the trump campaign. it's been reiterated. director comey said it, and there's been an fbi investigation underway for 11 months. congressional investigation underway for six months. there isn't any scintilla of evidence that it happened. at some point, we have to say enough already. it's time to move on. i believe the special counsel ought to be able to do their thing. there ought to be at least some amount of time in which they conducted and stay in their lanes and they get it done in a