guesses really that it could, this new bill might actually cost a lot more than the other bill that republicans have. >> $300 billion by some estimates. >> it could, that is one of the reasons they are waiting. one of the reasons it would cost much more is it would cover more people. you have the good news and bad news of that story. that is part of what they are waiting for. the other thing you have to be careful, cbo is well known for keeping things very quiet, even the people who are dealing with them and answering their questions about the bill don't get a lot out of them. my guess is that a lot of people are speculating and we should wait until wednesday to see what's going on. >> jon: more from you and a second but first, bit of a tug-of-war going between democrats and republicans in the house. this little exchange starts with house minority leader -- minority whip i should say, sandy hoyer, engaging, you might say tweaking kevin mccarthy on the republican side about a floor vote. >> is this bill coming back to

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