>> "the o'reilly factor," the number one cable news show >> "the o'reilly factor," the number one cable news show for 16 years and counting. >> eric: thanks for staying with us.'m i'm eric bolling in for bill o'reilly. f and in the "factor follow-up" segment tonight, another look at bill's super bowl interview with president trump, dealing with iran with a key focus in the discussion with today giving a stark reminder of the contemptuous relationship. hundreds rallied for the 1979 islamic revolution chanting "death to america" along with burning the american flag and f effigies of president trump. in a wide-ranging interview with bill, president trump addressed a new strategy to deal with iran along with other critical issues facing the country. here it is. >> let's talk about iran. your assessment, do you think we're on a collision course, we being the united states of america. >> worse deal that we negotiated. >> the nuke deal you are talking

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