hollande and world leaders in paris for the global climate conference. what a powerful rebuke to the terrorists it will be. >> we have to do everything we can to weed out hate and to plant understanding and more love and kindness. >> fight terrorists with love and kindness. former navy s.e.a.l. and co-author of "extreme ownership," leif babin joins our panel now. it seems like the democratic party's plan is just to be nicer to terrorists. we don't bomb them too much, don't call them names, empty gitmo, cozy up to iran. do you see that working? what do you think we should be doing? >> it's clearly not working. it's a complete disaster. the reality is the thing is we can't kill our way to victory. you know, is what's being said. we're not going to achieve victory what doing some killing. we have to go and lay down some bad guys by the tens of thousands. remove the ridiculous

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