filthy hat. not a smart guy. a dumby. people in there mastermind. bing, bing, bing. start shooting everybody. you have got to be a master mind. the press we are losing a lot of people because of the internet. we have to do something. we have to go see bill gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening we have to talk to them maybe certain areas closing this internet up in some way. somebody will say freedom of speech. freedom of speech. these are foolish people. we have a lot of foolish people. we have a lot of foolish people. we have got to maybe do something with the internet because they are recruiting by the thousands. they are leaving our country. and then we come back we take them back where were you? i was fighting for isis. come on back home. enjoy yourself. when they leave our country and go it fight for isis or any of the other groups, they never come back. they never can come back.