and it doesn't show up in polls but not appreciated until closer to the event. what do you say? >> the fact they are going around and doing town halls. we had almost 200 at that event. first we had kasich and then people said i love the governor. then the next day christie came in. my goodness. i love chris christie. and then the next week carlie came in and they love carlie. >> who had the biggest crowd? >> so far it was carlie. we have a 450 for her. >> was that right after the last debate? >> i would have to check. it was probably after the first debate. we had ted cruz come in and marco rubio coming at the end of this month and we'll wrap it up with dr. carson and trump and working on logistics hopefully with rand. we'll wrap it up by mid december. >> who helps with the hot dogs? >> you know, it's funny. this is my wife's idea first of all. we have the unh and republican