hink the answer is obvious. let's go to facebook.com/sean hannity. let us know what you think. that's all we have this evening. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. >> a tense faceoff on capitol hill over the irs. is the irs pinched for money or just reckless with yours? and tonight it only right here "on the record," irs commissioner john koskinen and peter ross, the congressman both men going "on the record" in seconds. but, first you just may want to shake your head in disgust. bonuses, unions and he obamacare, that's what the irs is spending millions of dollars on all while ignoring your phone calls for help. in the height of tax season. congress has in fact cut our revenues and resources to a point that we are not as effective as we ought to be. >> you can't run around town and telling everybody you are out of money and that's the reason you can't do your job. these doggone people up in