isn't that true, sparko? >> no, shanity -- is it shanity or hannity. you know, your motive here is to get some sound bytes that you can spin in a negative way. just keep on trying. >> didn't you say in a newspaper article, don't let hannity be our death? but now let's look at it this way. had the town cracked down last year on -- because we exposed it, maybe those seven kids wouldn't have been shot this year. maybe that girl wouldn't have been gang raped this year. maybe those 11 sexual assaults wouldn't have happened this year. maybe those kids that took those drugs -- >> it's my fault, mr. hannity? >> i didn't say it's your fault. but you make money and you didn't want any rules changes because all you cared about was the money and not the kids. isn't that true sparky? >> come on, man.

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