though. and when you are going to hawaii like we did, you know they are wheeling out the old equipment. for god's sake i flew over in the chitty chitty bang bang car. >> i went to recline my seat, i felt like i was was in an amish gynecological office. recline. >> hello. >> flight is madness, get stuck in the line getting behind this moron guy who is gafarer taped hanger on to freezer box he can is calling carry-on trying to jack it into the overhead. >> get your paws off my bag. >> i have given up because you have got to fly. i put up with it it's crap from the get-go. get stuck in the metal detector line behind the piercing addict kid. breaking out new areola cabobs. setting off alarms in america. get a junkyard magnet and suck him up out of my life. then they do a cavity search