>> then you have to define that, right? >> you have to define it and defend it. >> are you reluctant to reveal you're iranian? do you say no, i'm persian? >> no. personally not me. i just kind of -- i'm proud of who i am. i'm an iranian american and both make me who i am. >> did the show help you do that, too? >> absolutely. i'm so glad you asked that. i feel like until now, we've been portrayed as terrorists in movies. you just see like a crazy middle eastern or iranian like ah, yelling like this. with us, there is some craziness on the show, but i think we humanize it kind of. >> we got to check it out. the 9th episode of the third season is on tonight on bravo. >> watch it. >> we will. >> congratulations on everything. >> thank you. >> congratulations on the diamond water. >> thank you. when you come out with emerald water, let us know. >> coming up straight ahead, think it only happens in the movies? think again. two newborn babies switched at birth and nobody noticed. and does your wife drive you

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