>> he was a lone wolf though. >> his defense, dana, is that -- the reason he is not like the boston bombers is because he was inept. what we did was property damage, which was a lie. >> how can you say that about somebody you were making bombs with? they were just property damage? >> his girlfriend died. it took off their heads in the street. >> it is amazing you can have somebody like the guys that helped the -- the friends that helped the boston bombers. 25 years from now they can be walking around teaching at universities and getting big speaking fees to say oh, well, you know, it was property damage. i don't understand. why do we put up with this? >> another interesting piece of this is bernadine dorne and bill ayers and the other that that was just let out. they go away and them come back and are embraced by the ago academia of the liberal upper esh lon, but ayers and