gutfeld, go. >> i agree with him. i blame drones, too. drones like him. he is a drone. he cannot pronounce the letter "l" and he cannot pronounce muslim terror. he suffers from islamophobia-phobia, he is compared to be perceived as -- scared to be perceived as a bigot to prevent him placing blame. drones did not exist before 9/11, they were commissioned afterwards and didn't exist before '93 world trade center. >> i took him to task, brokaw earlier in week. i wrote this column in the ""new york post"new york post." i am not going to beat up on brokaw. >> i had visions of you trolling the upper west side with a baseball bat looking for him. >> no, no. we want him to put on a program. he declined. i have to hand this one, because this is a serious one. this is my pinhead of the wee week. caesar chavez high school in