family. >> sean: what would that be? >> protect your family with whatever you have available? >> sean: pick up a knife and baseball bat? >> do i believe in self-defense, absolutely? >> sean: you wouldn't use a gun? >> i can't speak to whether or not i own a gun. i'm not interested in promoting firearms that is the nra's job. >> sean: oh, i think that is the nra's job. >> if it was so benign you wouldn't need the place. you do need the police. >> they teach more gun safety classes than any other group in america. >> somebody comes to my house, one way in and no way out because i exercise my second amendment right to own firearms and use them responsibly just like every american has the right to do. >> sean: appreciate it. very revealing. coming up next, a secret pentagon report claims that north korea may have the technology to arm a ballistic missile with a nuke warhead. talk about a game changer.