as to with respect to that one person. >> as it stands now, i think the fair thing and you guys disagree. tell me. is to give senator menendez the benefit of the doubt. >> absolutely. >> we put that aside. the dominican police department. we don't know what they are doing. >> we put it aside until other evidence. >> houston, texas, police sergeant, right? >> 43 years of age. >> bill: she wants to hire herself out as a model, correct? she wants to earn extra money. >> um-huh. >> bill: on a web site she puts provocative pictures of herself, what happened? >> with the houston ph.d., model mayhem. can you see one of the photos. suggestive photos. allegations that some might be fetish oriented that type of thing. the police department has a personnel policy which says you can't do anything that would diminish the department. reflect poorly on yourself or the department in general. she held a position of