>> you must understand at incidents. that ground has not been this stage there are there established. and, in coming to my conclusion i have regard to are many issues in dispute. the supreme court of appeal more or less there are four elements of the crime the decision of state versus state must prove. rudolph, 2010, 1 sa-262. obviously there was an action which is admitted by the defense. that there was unlawfulness weighing that particular and that one is obviously matter the accused's past not admitted at this stage. what we call mens rea, which behavior included among has to do with the guilt of others the fact that he had the accused which is also in dispute. all the other issues are an -- against him relating to domestic violence and already admitted by the that he was out on bail on defense. so ultimately we will have charges of rape and to look at the parameters attempted murder. set by a defense like now that is the type of self-defense, and obviously predisposition to violence that would find the taking into consideration establishment of the ground the prestigious and what that would vitiate against happens surrounding the the accused getting bail. shooting itself, that might have an implication on the now, the honorable judge in credibility of the witness and ultimately on oscar's the matter of state versus own credibility. remember the matter will in devi, 2012, 2 sac, 492, my time stand forth with his own evidence during the trial. because he will surely have to come to testify underoath to substantiate his private