democrats are licking their chops and gnashing their teeth. the new ticket kicked off a four-day bus tour this morning. it will include several stops in virginia today, north carolina, and ryan's home state of wisconsin sunday. they'll come here to florida on monday and head to the swing state of ohio tuesday. ryan was first elected to congress in 1998. he's in his 7th term now. the 42-year-old native of jaynesville, wisconsin, is the chairman of the house budget committee. he's married and the father of three children. he doesn't have an apartment in washington, d.c he sleeps on a cot in his capitol hill office and spends most weekends back in wisconsin. he's known for his love of exercise and sports and, of course, economics. ryan has been in the spotlight since introducing his controversial budget plan last march, a plan that drew derision from democrats and skepticism from some republicans at first. but overwhelmingly passed the house and now wide israeli being

Related Keywords

Ticket ,Bus Tour ,Democrats ,Ryans Home State Of Wisconsin Sunday ,Virginia Today ,Teeth ,Chops ,Florida On Monday ,North Carolina ,Four ,Paul Ryan Well For The Future ,Native ,Jaynesville ,Wisconsin ,Congress ,Chairman ,Swing State ,Head ,House Budget Committee ,27th Term ,Ohio Tuesday ,1998 ,7 ,42 ,Office ,Washington ,Economics ,Children ,Cot ,The ,Course ,Father ,Exercise ,Sports ,Love ,Apartment ,Capitol Hill ,D C ,Three ,House ,Controversial Budget Plan Last March ,Gop ,Spotlight ,Being ,Skepticism ,Derision ,Israeli ,

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