>> bob: college grades. >> kimberly: application. >> greg: what is he hiding? what is he hiding? >> bob: romney is hiding offshore to get away -- away -- >> greg: what is obama hiding? >> andrea: why would you spend a million dollars to keep birth certificate and transcript -- >> bob: because you have right wing kooks out of the tea party demanding it. that's why. >> greg: what is he hiding? what is he hiding? >> bob: the fact that he is a friend of yours. >> i agree. i will tell you this. >> bob: if you're not paying taxes -- >> eric: i think he should open them up and say look, i made a lot of money. i'm not embarrassed. i'm proud of it. i would do it. >> kimberly: he is a winner. what are we complaining about? he has been successful and he knows how to make money and he might -- >> bob: show how he does it. >> kimberly: give him the job. president of the united states. he will show up. >> bob: shows how he managed the money. show us how he manages money.