safety. he thought he was getting a travel insurance policy on his bride. they called witnesses to told the jury they saw dave embracing tina underwater, like he was giving her a big hug. they thought he was helping her when they were separated and she started sinking. one fellow diver had this to say to watson when he got out of the boat safely. >> i got angry like i'm getting angry now. i apologize to the court i said [ bleep ]. >> reporter: watson has served 18 months in prison in australia for manslaughter charge. defense claiming there was a number of factors there was very strong current, the dive was too dangerous for tina, first open water dive. they say she panicked underwater. she lost control and she drowned

Related Keywords

Dave Watson ,Jury ,Witnesses ,Tina Underwater ,Travel Insurance Policy ,Safety ,Bride ,Diver ,Hug ,Boat ,One ,Reporter ,Bleep ,Tina Watson ,Prison ,Manslaughter Charge ,Australia ,18 ,Defense ,Number ,Factors ,Dive ,Open Water Dive ,Current ,

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