inflammatory process, a within think about stroke, remember, facial drooping, a is arm, s for speech and t for time. and get them to the emergency room. >> kelly: we've talked about it, i've been smiling a lot more lately and you say that smiling can be great for your health. >> kelly: thank you for joining us, you always bring a smile to our faces and while you're out there, enjoy the sunshine, too, that's it for us, i'm kelly wright. >> jamie: and that's it everybody, take care. >> kelly: get some sunshine. >> thanks for the house call. >> you got it. ♪ [ ma annncer ] wouldn't it be cool if you took the top down on a crossover? if there were buttons for this? wouldn't it be cool if your car could handle the kids. ♪ ...and the nurbgring? or wh if you built a car in tennessee