regulations, lower taxes. when you look at states that grow the fastest like texas,e they have very few regulations and no taxes. we're trying to give local cop governments the tools to copeter with a tighter budget. we had to reduce some of the money we sent to local governments. the federal government got rid of revenue sharing.we as we reduced the money we were giving to local governments, wem gave them the tools to cope witc those reductions. th >> sean: so people decide they're not going to have local employees, government employees pay for their pensions or contribute to the pensions and health okay. so that means what for thosehose local municipalities? >> in one community here just south of columbus they just laid off 14 firefighters today bec because they don't have enough money to meet the budget.r the other alternative is youyo raise taxes. up in cleveland we saved aand company called american greetings, the greeting card t company. the community of brooklyn, ohio raised the taxes.ayed guess what american greetings did? they moved.they they moved to m westlake, ohio where the conditions are bettere